All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)

The Bible Episodes

Episodes featuring a study of the Bible itself.
March 8, 2009

Potpourri of Questions – “Does Religion Divide?”

Is religion something that divides mankind instead of bringing mankind together? Find out what the Bible says about this question and more. Website: That's In The Bible? Join Our Mailing List
Feb. 22, 2009

Do Angel’s Have Wings?

How does the Bible describe angels? Are angels women with wings? Men with wings? Are they people who have died and gone to heaven and are now angels? See what the Bible actually says about angels, you will be surprised!
Feb. 8, 2009

Is Everything Written In The Bible For Me?

Find out how to read the Bible to understand it. Learn how to apply the Bible to your life and discover the common mistakes that others have made when trying to understand the Bible.
Guest: Steven Baer
Feb. 1, 2009

Is The Bible For Everyone?

Who is the Bible for? Is it just for those of the Christian faith? What about the Jewish people? What about those of other faiths? What about those of no faith, is it for them too? Find out from this podcast episode if the Bi...
Guest: Steven Baer
Jan. 18, 2009

Body Soul And Spirit?

What is the Soul and what is the Spirit? Find out what the Bible says about each. Discover how man is a triune being.