All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)

The Bible Episodes

Episodes featuring a study of the Bible itself.
July 17, 2018

How To Have A Healthy Heart

Heart Disease is the number one killer of people in the United States every year. Each year over 600,000 Americans die of heart disease. How is your heart? Is it healthy? Not just your physical heart, but your heart for God? ...
Guest: Eric Sutton
June 28, 2018

That’s In The Bible!

Can you believe that many of the things that you have been saying for years are taken from the Bible? That’s right, people throughout the world are quoting the Bible every day and don’t even know it! How is this possible? Fin...
Guest: Scott Strobel
Jan. 14, 2012

What To Do With The Bible

Is it necessary to read the Bible to be a Christian? How often should it be read? Is it too hard to understand? Find out what to do with the Bible! Link Mentioned Website: That's In The Bible? Join...
Guest: Scott Strobel
Oct. 29, 2011

The King James Bible 400th Anniversary Tribute

A look back and celebration of the King James Bible. How much do you know about the King James Bible? Listen as we discuss how and why the King James Bible came to be. Links Mentioned (that are still available.) Brother Vance...
Guest: Scott Strobel
Nov. 22, 2010

Is There Any Proof Of God?

Does the Bible offer proof for the existence of God? What are the arguments for the existence of God? Tune in with us as we take a close look at this topic and more! Website: That's In The Bible? Join Our Mailing List
Guest: Steven Baer
June 11, 2010

Is “The Gap” A Theory?

What really happened between Genesis 1:1 & 1:2? Check out the references for yourself as we compare scripture with scripture to unravel the mystery that God has revealed for us in his infallible word. Website: That's In The B...
March 27, 2010

Where Did Cain Get His Wife? (What’s In A Generation)

If Adam and Eve had two sons Cain and Abel, where did Cain get his wife? Follow along with us as we chart the answer in this episode filled with unexpected twists and turns. It’s a question everyone has about the Bible at one...
Guest: Steven Baer
March 13, 2010

Bible Facts About Heaven

What does the Bible say about Heaven? Where is it located? What is it like? What is in Heaven? We know it’s not about the old image of just sitting around on a cloud with a harp all day, so follow along with us as we look at...
Nov. 25, 2009

The Superiority Of The King James Bible

Can one Bible translation really be better than all others? Is the King James Bible really better than all of the “modern” translations? What about the originals? What about the Greek? Clear up the confusion with this podcast...
Oct. 31, 2009

How To Understand The Bible

Have you tried reading the Bible but have given up because you just can’t seem to understand it? Follow along with us as we show you six steps to begin your journey to understanding God’s word.
Guest: Scott Strobel
June 6, 2009

What Is The Doctrine Of The Great Deep?

Hang on to your hats! Here is a topic found in the Bible that is an adventure that goes beyond the beyond! Ever wonder where the legend of sea monsters comes from? Was there something or someone on the Earth prior to Adam and...
Guest: Steven Baer
May 10, 2009

Does The Bible Out Science Science?

Can the Bible really be more advanced than modern science? Are there actual scientific discoveries that were found in the Bible before modern science discovered them? Are there other amazing facts that can be found in the Bib...
May 2, 2009

Which Bible Is The Right One?

Why are there so many translations of the Bible? Is there one Bible version that is better than all others? Is it just a matter of preference? What if you discovered that many of the “new” Bibles have entire verses missing? G...
Guest: Steven Baer
April 25, 2009

What Does The Bible Say About “Easter”?

Can you answer these questions? Was Jesus Christ crucified on Friday and then resurrected on Sunday? How could Jesus have been in the grave a full three days and three nights if he was buried on Friday evening and was seen Su...
Guest: Scott Strobel
March 18, 2009

The Underworld: Did Jesus Really Go To Hell?

Have you ever wondered what happened to Jesus after he died on the cross? Some say he made a stop in Hell before going back to Heaven, why? Find the answers as we look to see what the Bible says.
Guest: Steven Baer