All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)

Christian Living Episodes

April 13, 2023

Why Missions?

What is "Missions"? Why are people called Missionaries sent around the world? Is there any support for such an activity in the Bible? What is their purpose? Who are these Missionaries and how are they sent? Can you be a Missi...
March 30, 2023

How People Respond To The Call Of God

Did you know that God has not only called you to be saved, but also has a calling upon your life? God has a purpose for your life, the particulars of God’s calling are individualized according to God’s purpose for each indivi...
Guest: Scott Strobel
Feb. 16, 2023

How To Overcome Temptations

All of us face the same problem each and every day of our lives, the temptation to sin against God. All of us are reaping things now because of sin we have committed in our past. Not only is there reaping, but we are missing ...
Guest: Steven Baer
Feb. 2, 2023

Self Discipline

Would you consider yourself a disciplined person? Is it an important attribute in the life of a Christian? Join us for this episode as Pastor Strobel breaks down the elements of self discipline as it pertains to living the Ch...
Guest: Scott Strobel
Jan. 5, 2023

The Ultimate Conspiracy

What is "The Ultimate Conspiracy"? Is it the destruction of the twin towers in New York City on 9/11? Is it the death of Elvis Presley, or Princess Diana, or perhaps it's who was behind the assassination of Abraham Lincoln or...
Nov. 24, 2022

The Seven Lures Of Temptation

Temptation. All of us are tempted at one point or another, and the temptation could be different for all of us. Join us for this episode as we discover what are the seven lures of temptation. Being aware of these temptation a...
Guest: Steven Baer
Oct. 13, 2022

7 Reasons People Don't Read The Bible

Are you in the habit of reading the Bible? Perhaps there have been some things getting in the way of you developing a consistent Bible reading practice. Join us on this episode as we take a look at seven reasons why people ar...
Guest: Eric Sutton
Sept. 15, 2022

How Are You Following?

How are you following Jesus? Find out in this episode as Pastor Strobel examines from the Bible the ways that you can follow the Lord, some of them good and some of them not so good (that's putting it kindly). It could be eye...
Guest: Scott Strobel
Aug. 18, 2022

How To Keep From Being Deceived

False teaching abounds on every side of the believer. Matthew 24:4 says, "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you." Do you know how to keep yourself and your family from being deceived? Find ...
Aug. 4, 2022

How Noah, Daniel, and Job Gained The Victory!

Every Christian has three enemies, The World The Flesh The Devil Join us as we take a look at how Noah, Daniel, and Job gained the victory and learn some practical lessons in your fight against these three adversaries.
Guest: Scott Strobel
July 7, 2022

My Journey For The Truth

Have you taken the journey to discover if there is a perfect Bible? Join us today as Pastor Steven Baer presents his journey of discovery as the Lord reveals to him the Bible that is perfect and without error. Have you made t...
Guest: Steven Baer
May 12, 2022

7 Characteristics Of Biblical Christianity

What is Christianity? Is Biblical Christianity something different than what passes for "Christianity" today? What is "real"or "authentic" Christianity? Are you practicing real or authentic Christianity? Do you attend a churc...
April 28, 2022

7 Prayers You Should Pray

How is your prayer life? Are you praying? Does your prayer life only consist of a quick prayer at meal time? Not sure what or how to pray? Join us for this important podcast that could help energize your prayer life as Pastor...
Guest: Steven Baer
March 31, 2022

Waiting On The Lord

Waiting. Perhaps one of the most difficult things we have to do in this fast paced world in which we live is having to wait. Have you ever prayed to God for something to happen and it seemed no answer was forthcoming? Have y...
Guest: Scott Strobel
Feb. 17, 2022

Limits. What Are God's Limits?

Does God set limits for us today? If so, do you know what and why they are? Some people feel like God doesn't want people to have fun and enjoy themselves so He sets limits on our pleasure. But is this really so? Learn what t...
Guest: Steven Baer