All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)

Christian Living Episodes

Feb. 15, 2024

The Unprofitable Servant

We all as we go through our working lives are evaluated. These evaluations can mean promotions or something less favorable. If you are a saved, born again Christian how has your profitability been? Meaning if the Lord was to ...
Guest: Steven Baer
Jan. 18, 2024

Cheer Up!

Have you been down in the dumps? Winter blues have you feeling out of sorts? Are your life's circumstances getting you down? Are you discouraged with this weeks news? How do you restore a good healthy balance of joy in your l...
Guest: Scott Strobel
Dec. 21, 2023

How Much Is Jesus Christ In Your Christmas?

At Christmas time we find ourselves busy with buying gifts, baking, visiting with family and friends, but let's be honest, how much of Jesus Christ really is in your Christmas? Join us as missionary Matthew Sutton in Arctic A...
Dec. 7, 2023

Family Issues

Are you experiencing family issues? Prominent figures in the Bible certainly had family issues, the Bible presents them in all honesty, faults and all. Our Lord Jesus Christ had an earthly family, a mother and step father, a...
Oct. 26, 2023

A True Patriot

Are you a true patriot? Listen as Robert Militello brings us this enlightening look at what it means to be a true patriot as he examines the book of Jeremiah. Email us at Website :
Sept. 28, 2023

One Thing

The Bible is a big book with a total of 66 books within it. But today Pastor Strobel brings us a study called " One Thing ". Is it the ' one thing' you are thinking of? What could be the ' one thing' found in the Bible? List...
Guest: Scott Strobel
Sept. 14, 2023

Why We Do What We Do In Church (Part II)

Have you ever heard someone say or perhaps said it yourself, "I don't need to go to a church building to worship God!". Find out from the Bible why attending a Bible Believing Church is so important as Missionary/Pastor Matth...
Aug. 31, 2023

Natural Reasonings

Are you practicing natural reasoning or Christ-like Biblical thinking? Are you sure? How do you know? You could be walking into dangerous territory thinking you are okay and you are sincere and you have things right between y...
Aug. 17, 2023

The Sin Of Idolatry Today

What is idolatry? Is it happening today? Is it happening in America or where you live? How do you recognize it? Join us for this episode as Pastor Steven Baer shows us from the Bible the problem that the world has today with ...
Guest: Steven Baer
Aug. 3, 2023

Your Safe Places

We live in a dangerous and violent world. More and more we are confronted with evil and confusion. How can we remain emotionally and mentally healthy in the face of such adversity? Find out as Pastor Strobel brings us answers...
Guest: Scott Strobel
July 20, 2023

Why We Do What We Do In Church (Part 1)

Has attending church lost some of its excitement? Has it ever held any excitement for you? Do you look forward to attending church? What should you expect when you attend church, and perhaps even more important, what is expec...
June 22, 2023

Do You Have An Identity Crisis?

Today Pastor Steven Baer takes a look at the topic, "Do You Have An Identity Crisis?". Many people today seem to be confused with who they are and who they are supposed to be. For the born again Christian this should not be s...
Guest: Steven Baer
June 8, 2023

For To Me To Live is . . . What?

In this podcast I want you to ask yourself this question, "For to me to live is __________?" As you take an overview of your life, taking a look at your life as a whole, is the life you are living, your focus, your attitude,...
Guest: Scott Strobel
May 11, 2023

Lessons From Jonah

Brother Robert Militello brings us today's podcast episode, " Lessons From Jonah ". Find out what " collateral damage" has to do with the difficulties in the Christian church, and in the lives of many Christians today. Email...
April 27, 2023

Do You Have The Mind Of Christ?

"For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ." I Corinthians 2:16. The Bible says that we have the mind of Christ (if you are saved). But what does it mean to have the min...
Guest: Steven Baer