Send us a text In this thought-provoking episode of T hat’s In The Bible? , we tackle one of the most controversial issues of our time— capital punishment . Is the death penalty supported by scripture? Does the Bible give us ...
Send us a text The Bible is categorized as being confusing, difficult to read, hard to understand archaic, and irrelevant; yet it is the only book that will attract glances and draw notice when carried openly in any public pl...
Send us a Text Message. Are you hungry for some Bible prophecy? Listen to this episode as Pastor Scott Strobel brings us a Three Course Prophecy Sampler on three hot topic prophecy issues in which there seems to be some confu...
If you don't know that you have eternal life or don't know for sure you are saved does it mean you are lost? Can a person know for sure that they are saved and have eternal life? Find out the answers to these questions and mo...
Did you know that God has chosen the Jewish people to be a special people and a people above all people that are upon the face of the earth? Deuteronomy 7:6 (King James Version) "For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy ...
What is "Missions"? Why are people called Missionaries sent around the world? Is there any support for such an activity in the Bible? What is their purpose? Who are these Missionaries and how are they sent? Can you be a Missi...
Does God deal with everyone the same way? Are you curious why God does not appear to us as He did to others in the Bible? The disciples and others raised the dead and healed people, why isn't that happening today? How come pe...
Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormon religion, true to the Bible? Don't Mormons have other books they follow that they believe are more important than the Bible? Is it true that Mormon...
Is the Bible just a collection of stories that are not true but instead are meant to just teach a good moral lesson? Would you be surprised to learn that the Bible itself, and Jesus himself proves that these accounts such as ...
With the recent Supreme Court ruling in the United States overturning Roe Vs. Wade, abortion has been a divisive topic. What does the Bible actually say concerning this topic? Are there scriptures that confirm that there is a...
We all have heard the expression before, usually by someone angry who says, "Go to Hell!" For some it's just an off color expression. But is there a real literal Hell, the kind that burns with fire and brimstone? Is it a real...
It seems to be a common occurrence now that we hear of absolutely heartbreaking mass shootings, also wars and conflicts seem to be more serious and prevalent than ever before. What is going on? Does the Bible have the answers...
An atheist believes that there is no God. Are there any reasons that a person would not be an atheist? Isn't in believing in God just a belief system without any real solid reasoning behind it? Are you an atheist? Do you know...
On episode 101 we continue our look at common questions. Today we take a look at what the Bible actually says about : Cross-dressing – is it okay for a man or woman to dress as the opposite sex? Is it wrong to make money and ...
On episode 100 we take a look back at some funny audio clips from past episodes including the very first episode. We also take a look at these topics: Smoking Vegetarian VS. Meat Eater Music Find out what the Bible says! Webs...