All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)

Common Questions Episodes

Common questions people have about the Bible.
June 18, 2021

Quick Answers To Common Questions

tOn this episode we take a look at 5 topics: Tattoos & Piercings Abortion Gambling/Lottery Living Together VS. Marriage Drinking Wine/Alcohol What does the Bible say about each of these topics? Everyone has an opinion but wha...
Sept. 19, 2020

Why Does God Make Such A Big Deal About The Jews?

Have you ever wondered where the Jewish people came from? Does the Bible really say that they are God’s chosen people? What about today though, aren’t Christians today God’s chosen people? What does the Bible say? Join us tod...
May 6, 2020

What Is Truth?

Two thousand years ago Pontius Pilate asked Jesus Christ, “What Is Truth?”. Would you be able to answer this question, to tell someone not only what truth is, but where it can be found? Can you know the truth? Is truth relati...
Guest: Eric Sutton
April 22, 2020

Why Does God Allow Evil To Exist In The World?

You may have heard the question posed this way, if God exists then why does he allow evil in the world? If he is God couldn’t he stop it? Couldn’t he stop the wars, suffering, murder, and disease from happening? Why would he ...
April 30, 2019

Who Is God?

Have you ever wondered who God is? What is He like? Does He like what you like? How do you know about Him? Is it from something you have seen on television, something you heard or perhaps something you want to believe in your...
Jan. 18, 2019

Music: God’s Gift Or Satan’s Tool?

Is all music good music? Is rock music good music? Is rap music good music? Is classical music good music? Surely country music must be good? If you like the music you listen to it must be good music, right? Is there even suc...
April 14, 2018

Is Church Really Necessary?

Is it really necessary to go to church? Can’t we just commune with nature and God by taking a walk in the woods? Does the Bible really say we need to go to church? Website: That's In The Bible? Join Our Mailing List
March 21, 2018

What Is So Great About Salvation?

Salvation. What does it really mean and what is so great about it? How does it affect our everyday lives? What does the Bible say about Salvation? How does a person get saved? Find out the answers to these questions and many ...
Guest: Steven Baer
Nov. 18, 2016

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

All of us will go through physical pain, emotional pain, and heartaches, these are all things that even all the insurance in the world cannot shelter you from. Everyone goes through stages in which they ask God; “Why do You a...
April 22, 2011

The Law

Do you have questions about the Ten Commandments found in the Bible? Can we get to Heaven by keeping the Ten Commandments? What if you only keep 9 or 8 of them, can you still get to Heaven? Find out what the Bible says about ...
March 21, 2011

Personal Finance

There is so much more in the Bible than most people realize. God is not unaware of the role that money plays in life on earth, and He has much to say about it in His word.As in all things, His thoughts and His ways are highe...
Guest: Scott Strobel
Feb. 19, 2011


Are Ghosts real? Is it Biblical to believe in ghosts? If they are real what are they? A poll was taken recently that stated only 28% of Christian teens say they have been taught anything at church to help shape their views of...
Nov. 22, 2010

Is There Any Proof Of God?

Does the Bible offer proof for the existence of God? What are the arguments for the existence of God? Tune in with us as we take a close look at this topic and more! Website: That's In The Bible? Join Our Mailing List
Guest: Steven Baer
Sept. 3, 2010

What About The Heathen?

What about those in remote lands or jungles who have never heard the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ? Will they go to hell? Wouldn’t that be unfair of God if they have never heard ? Find out what the Bible has to say on this ...
July 18, 2010

Questions & Answers #1 – Recorded Live!

A special edition of That’s In The Bible? where we take your phone calls and chat room questions about the Bible live via Talkshoe. Questions included in this episode: Are the Jews the true Christians? Does God command people...