All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)

Doctrine Episodes

Jan. 16, 2010

Two Resurrections?

What are the two resurrections spoken of in the Bible? Will you be resurrected and if so to where? Website: That's In The Bible? Join Our Mailing List
Nov. 7, 2009

Should Christians Keep The Sabbath?

A listener writes in and asks if Christian’s today should keep the Sabbath? Discover what the Bible has to say, should you be going to church on Saturday instead of Sunday? What does the Bible say about Christian’s assembling...
July 17, 2009

Can We Lose Our Salvation?

Is it possible once we are saved to lose our salvation? Does the Bible say we need to work to keep our salvation? If we can lose it do we have to get saved over again? Then can we lose it yet again? How is that eternal life t...
July 10, 2009

What Does It Mean To Be Saved?

You have heard the term “saved” before but is it something found in the Bible? Saved from what? What does it mean? What does the Bible say about needing to be saved and how is it really done?
Guest: Steven Baer
June 6, 2009

What Is The Doctrine Of The Great Deep?

Hang on to your hats! Here is a topic found in the Bible that is an adventure that goes beyond the beyond! Ever wonder where the legend of sea monsters comes from? Was there something or someone on the Earth prior to Adam and...
Guest: Steven Baer
March 26, 2009

Will The Church Go Through The Tribulation?

What and who is the Church? What is the Tribulation? Will the Church go through the Tribulation? Will you go through the Tribulation? Don't put this one off, find out by listening to this episode.
Jan. 18, 2009

Body Soul And Spirit?

What is the Soul and what is the Spirit? Find out what the Bible says about each. Discover how man is a triune being.