All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)
Feb. 27, 2025

Why Capital Punishment?

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In this thought-provoking episode of That’s In The Bible?, we tackle one of the most controversial issues of our time—capital punishment. Is the death penalty supported by scripture? Does the Bible give us clear guidelines on whether the state has the right to take life?

Host Eric Sutton is joined by Robert Militello to explore what the Bible really says about capital punishment. Robert Militello digs deep into both the Old Testament and New Testament to understand the biblical foundation for this practice. From the laws found in the Old Testament to the teachings of the New Testament, Robert provides insights that challenge common assumptions and interpretations.

Key questions addressed in this episode include:

  • Is capital punishment explicitly sanctioned in the Bible?
  • How does the Old Testament and the New view punishment and justice?
  • How do we grapple with the possibility of an innocent person being wrongfully executed?
  • What about the commandment “Thou shalt not kill”? Does it conflict with the practice of the death penalty?

This episode offers a balanced, in-depth look at the biblical perspective on capital punishment. Whether you agree with the practice or are grappling with its complexities, this conversation is one you don’t want to miss.


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Our podcast theme song "Jesus Is Coming Soon", courtesy of His Reflection a Gospel Quartet from Buckley Road Baptist Church, Liverpool, NY.


00:00 - Intro

01:28 - Robert Militello Intro

06:13 - Bible Study - Why Capital Punishment?

Robert Militello Profile Photo

Robert Militello

Author, Pastor

Saved Jan 6, 1978

*Received a Catholic Jesuit Education 1959-1963, Graduated at 16 years of age.
*Taught Catholic school for 5 years, 1968-1973
*Graduated Long Island University with a Degree In Journalism, 1968
*Masters Degree in Geo Politics and International Relations from Queens College, NY
*(1973-2000) Methods Analyst Civil Service NYC
*Pastor (1985-2000) Blessed Hope Baptist Church Brooklyn NY,

Writes for The Bible Believers Bulletin
Heard On Final Fight Bible Radio
Also heard on YouTube (Don Nesbitt)