All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)


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A true KJV Bible believing Podcast!
been listening to That's in the BIble podcast for quite a while, during my quiet time, during my bicycle rides, during my study time, during breaks at work... Gods words are being preached here!
Really enjoy these studies
This is a great platform to gain more biblical understanding and helping in my walk. Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and knowledge.
Thank you for your podcast God bless.
Love it . Always excited to hear . God bless you guys . Come Lord Jesus come !!!
Awesome show
Thank you for taking the time to upload so many episodes. There’s so much great information for Christians in all stages of our walks.
The best!!
I was recently in a class where I was constantly being approached with the Lord Lord passage which made me question everything. I was in real despair and I lost the power of my witness because of it. The assurance show really helped me with this, and although, the trauma is still there, it helped me so much. I wish that I could give a million stars to show my appreciation. Although, I listen to every episode, this show made a real difference in my life. Ty!!
I love this program
I have listened to so many biblical shows, and I haven’t found any that stand on the word of God like this one does. I love this show so much. It is the highlight of my week when it comes out. Thanks for taking the time for preaching the word of God and bringing me the best Bible study out there.
God’s Holy Word Expertly Delivered
This podcast is “top notch”! If you want to know what GOD says about any and all topics of our human existence, this is the podcast to listen to. God’s pure word is quoted continuously throughout each episode, which is exactly what people need to hear; because God is mankind’s final authority in all we do or say. The host of this podcast, as well as the two resident Pastors and one Missionary, are extremely knowledgeable in the Holy Scriptures. These podcast episodes are like having a private Bible study! Thank you, all, for your time and fellowship. Glory to God!
Excellent podcast in it's own way & it ways a lot!
These fella's are thorough & quite thought provoking. They let the Bible correct us rather than correcting the bible. How neat is THAT! I look forward to each podcast as it comes down the pike.
Great Message
Great content in this podcast. I also enjoyed the new format.