All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)

Steven A. Baer (Pastor)

Steven A. Baer (Pastor) Profile Photo


I was born and raised in Indiana, with solid Midwestern values. I attended church regularly and was taught to keep the Commandments and the Golden Rule. In 1975, I joined the Navy, and lived a sailor’s life. Wally, Gene and Al endured my abuse while witnessing to me for nearly a year. As a result of their witness, I trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior on December 29, 1976, at Trinity Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, realizing that none of my good works could ever earn God’s favor.

After finishing my naval obligation, I attended Pensacola Bible Institute, graduating with a Bachelor of Divinity degree in 1980. A short time later we moved to Western New York where my wife children and I have served the Lord.

Presently I am pastoring a small Baptist church in Buffalo, New York, where I am actively preaching and teaching the word. Other ministries include going door to door, street preaching, mission and prison ministries, home bible study, personal discipleship and music ministry. I am thankful for the Lord’s kindness, grace, mercy and blessings.

Many years ago Eric and I had talked about (half joking) of having our own Christian radio program. That idea slipped away as time and distance drifted us apart. A few years ago Eric called me, and was all excited about starting a podcast. I had never heard of such a thing. He went on and on about it, and finally convinced me to join he and Matt. The rest is history, I suppose this podcast is fulfillment of a conversation many years ago.