What should you do if you feel like God isn’t listening or answering you when you pray?
I believe every one goes through this at some point in their Christian life. I can’t say for sure what the reasons may be in yours, or any others persons life as to why there seems to be a drought in their prayer life. But let me give some possibilities.
The widow and the unjust judge for example, the Lord indicated that we need to be persistent in prayer. Luke 18:1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
Could be that the answer is delayed as was the case for Daniel, when unbeknownst to him, unseen spiritual forces were battling against each other and held up the answer for 21 days, this is found in Dan 10.
I preached a message a few years back on the Hindrances to Prayer. Don’t be surprised if that message shows up on a future podcast, but here are the points of the outline of the message. Some may apply others may not, but I hope this is helpful.
We don’t get answers to prayer—
We don’t pray James 4:2
We ask amiss James 4:3
An unforgiving spirit Matthew 6:12, 14,15
Known sin in the heart Psalms 66:18
A double mind James 1:7,8
Not giving honor to the wife I Peter:3:6,7
Praying in your own will Luke 22:40-42
Not Thankful Colossians 4:2
Not a Child of God Proverbs 1:20-31
I would suggest to someone who is struggling with this problem, to ask the Lord to identify the problem to them. Then be honest and sensitive to the Lord’s prompting with that still small voice inside, then deal directly with the issue. I have found that praying to the Lord is like talking with my best friend, with honor and respect to whom he is.
I hope these answers have been helpful. I pray that your relationship with the Lord will grow deeper and stronger.
Thanks again for listening we really appreciate it.
God Bless, Pastor Steve