Send us a text In this powerful episode entitled How To Break A Bad Habit , Pastor Strobel shares 11 specific and practical ways from the Bible to break free from bad habits. Whether you're struggling with negative patterns,…
Send us a text The Bible admonishes us to be sober. But in those two words "be sober" the Bible covers more ground than you might think. When it comes to alcohol do you indulge? Is drinking alcohol in moderation okay? How ab…
Send us a Text Message. Are you hungry for some Bible prophecy? Listen to this episode as Pastor Scott Strobel brings us a Three Course Prophecy Sampler on three hot topic prophecy issues in which there seems to be some conf…
Send us a Text Message. Do you have the marks of someone who is truly spiritual? These are the marks of someone who is in tune with the Holy Spirit of God and walking in the Spirit. They are characteristics that are pleasing…
When Pastor Scott Strobel said he was bringing a study on "Honey" from the Bible I wondered what it would consist of. Is there enough in the Bible to support a whole study on honey? As it turns out yes there is, and so much …
Have you been down in the dumps? Winter blues have you feeling out of sorts? Are your life's circumstances getting you down? Are you discouraged with this weeks news? How do you restore a good healthy balance of joy in your …
The Bible is a big book with a total of 66 books within it. But today Pastor Strobel brings us a study called " One Thing ". Is it the ' one thing' you are thinking of? What could be the ' one thing' found in the Bible? Lis…
We live in a dangerous and violent world. More and more we are confronted with evil and confusion. How can we remain emotionally and mentally healthy in the face of such adversity? Find out as Pastor Strobel brings us answer…
In this podcast I want you to ask yourself this question, "For to me to live is __________?" As you take an overview of your life, taking a look at your life as a whole, is the life you are living, your focus, your attitude…
Did you know that God has not only called you to be saved, but also has a calling upon your life? God has a purpose for your life, the particulars of God’s calling are individualized according to God’s purpose for each indiv…
Would you consider yourself a disciplined person? Is it an important attribute in the life of a Christian? Join us for this episode as Pastor Strobel breaks down the elements of self discipline as it pertains to living the C…
Most people know that Jesus will be coming again, it is referred to as His second coming. He came the first time about two thousand years ago, was crucified, then rose from the dead, and then later ascended to the Father. Sc…
How are you following Jesus? Find out in this episode as Pastor Strobel examines from the Bible the ways that you can follow the Lord, some of them good and some of them not so good (that's putting it kindly). It could be ey…
Every Christian has three enemies, The World The Flesh The Devil Join us as we take a look at how Noah, Daniel, and Job gained the victory and learn some practical lessons in your fight against these three adversaries.
We all have heard the expression before, usually by someone angry who says, "Go to Hell!" For some it's just an off color expression. But is there a real literal Hell, the kind that burns with fire and brimstone? Is it a rea…
Waiting. Perhaps one of the most difficult things we have to do in this fast paced world in which we live is having to wait. Have you ever prayed to God for something to happen and it seemed no answer was forthcoming? Have …
Today more than ever we live in a world filled with nervousness and uncertainty. How can a person truly find rest with everything that is going on around us? Listen as Pastor Strobel presents 14 points from the Bible that wi…
Are you really happy? Today more than ever we see many people miserable, grumpy and unhappy. Is that you? Someone you know? Did you know that you too can be happy? Find out how you can be happy as Pastor Strobel brings us 7 …
Are you anxious about the future? Worried about where your life is going? Lacking real peace and contentment in your life? Find out in today’s episode how you can have lasting peace in your life, a real peace that passes all…
Have you ever desired to have more wisdom than you have now? How could having not only more wisdom but also the right kind of wisdom affect your life? Would you be more happy? Content? Successful? Find out the answers to the…
Pastor Strobel brings a Bible study that takes a close look at leadership. Leadership could mean the responsibilities of being a Pastor, or it could be as the spiritual leader of your household, the leader on your job, or th…
What does it mean to worship God? Does it mean going to church? Does it mean singing songs and hymns? What does God expect from us and how does he want us to worship Him? Are you truly worshipping God, the Bible way? You mig…
Does the Bible clearly state that Jesus Christ was God? Did others in the Bible state that Jesus was God? Does Jesus Himself ever claim or take the title of God? Is there more than one God? What about the Trinity, what does …
Can you believe that many of the things that you have been saying for years are taken from the Bible? That’s right, people throughout the world are quoting the Bible every day and don’t even know it! How is this possible? Fi…
At first blush your reaction to this topic might be negative, but follow along as we take a look at Chastisement and see how it really is in the long run a positive action by God on our behalf. Really! You need this informat…
Fasting, what exactly is fasting? Is it for Christians today? Is it mentioned in the Bible? Why would I want to fast? If you are unclear on what fasting is and why it could be an important step in energizing your walk with t…
Once you get saved you get thrust into the midst of a war that’s been raging since God kicked the devil out of heaven. Being saved you are now a soldier in a battle, and God admonishes you to be a good soldier. II Tim. 2:3 s…
Is it necessary to read the Bible to be a Christian? How often should it be read? Is it too hard to understand? Find out what to do with the Bible! Link Mentioned Website: That's In The Bible? Joi…
A look back and celebration of the King James Bible. How much do you know about the King James Bible? Listen as we discuss how and why the King James Bible came to be. Links Mentioned (that are still available.) Brother Vanc…
One of the great keys to understanding both yourself & others, as well as key parts of the New Testament, is an understanding of the doctrine of The Two Natures. Today we will take up a study on that very subject. Website: …
There is so much more in the Bible than most people realize. God is not unaware of the role that money plays in life on earth, and He has much to say about it in His word.As in all things, His thoughts and His ways are high…
Could the world be destroyed through Global Warming? Will life end due to a nuclear holocaust? A plague? Follow along with us as the Bible takes the guesswork out of what will happen next as we examine the coming events as l…
The “will of God” is a reference to what God wants you to do in your life. There is nothing more important than you loving the Lord and doing His will for your life. Are you doing the will of God? Find out how you can know …
Simply put, Evangelism is giving the gospel to an individual or a group of people; with the hope they will get saved. This includes witnessing, passing out tracts, open air preaching, etc. As with many Bible subjects there a…
Does the Roman Catholic church follow the Bible? What are the doctrines of the Roman Catholic church as compared to the Bible? Do they conflict with the Bible and if they do does it matter? Do you know where they conflict? F…
What does the Bible say about suicide? Is it ever okay? What about extreme circumstances? Are there examples of people committing suicide in the Bible? Follow along with us as we take a look at this disturbing but important …
There is coming a day of judgment, a day of reckoning, when each individual will individually stand before the Lord to be judged. As you rightly divide the word of truth you will find two main judgments that fit this bill. O…
A listener writes in and asks if Christian’s today should keep the Sabbath? Discover what the Bible has to say, should you be going to church on Saturday instead of Sunday? What does the Bible say about Christian’s assemblin…
Have you tried reading the Bible but have given up because you just can’t seem to understand it? Follow along with us as we show you six steps to begin your journey to understanding God’s word.
Can you answer these questions? Was Jesus Christ crucified on Friday and then resurrected on Sunday? How could Jesus have been in the grave a full three days and three nights if he was buried on Friday evening and was seen S…