Does the version of the Bible you use matter? There are many Bibles like the NIV, ESV, HSCB and more, so aren't all Bible's basically the same with a few minor variations? Why do we here at " That's In The Bible?" hold to the...
Are you in the habit of reading the Bible? Perhaps there have been some things getting in the way of you developing a consistent Bible reading practice. Join us on this episode as we take a look at seven reasons why people ar...
This episode explains why the Bible is the answer to every question man has. Why trust in opinions and views that are fluid and change over time when the Bible, God's word is unchanging, and has the answers to all of the worl...
Two thousand years ago Pontius Pilate asked Jesus Christ, “What Is Truth?”. Would you be able to answer this question, to tell someone not only what truth is, but where it can be found? Can you know the truth? Is truth relati...
There is no getting around it, you are going to be either a fool in God’s eyes, or you are going to be a fool in the world’s eyes. Which you choose to be will affect everything that you do. So let’s see what the God has to sa...
Heart Disease is the number one killer of people in the United States every year. Each year over 600,000 Americans die of heart disease. How is your heart? Is it healthy? Not just your physical heart, but your heart for God? ...
Why such an emphasis on the Blood in both the old and new testaments of the Bible? Why are many working to remove all references to the blood of Jesus Christ in the new (mis)translations of the Bible? What is it about the blo...
Can the Bible really be more advanced than modern science? Are there actual scientific discoveries that were found in the Bible before modern science discovered them? Are there other amazing facts that can be found in the Bib...
Is religion something that divides mankind instead of bringing mankind together? Find out what the Bible says about this question and more. Website: That's In The Bible? Join Our Mailing List
How do you get to heaven? How can you say good people don't go to Heaven?! Isn't it by being as good as you can be and then hoping that your good deeds will outweigh your bad? Find out what the Bible says you must do to get t...