Send us a text In this powerful episode entitled How To Break A Bad Habit , Pastor Strobel shares 11 specific and practical ways from the Bible to break free from bad habits. Whether you're struggling with negative patterns,…
Send us a text Welcome to today’s episode where we explore the heart of the Christian faith and what it means to live out the gospel in our daily lives. In this episode, titled “Why Preach?” , Robert Militello takes a deep d…
Send us a text In this episode, Pastor Seven A. Baer explores the powerful theme of courage —a virtue that has been crucial throughout Scripture and is just as essential for Christians today. Do we still need courage in our …
Send us a text The mystery of iniquity has been at work a long time. Find out what it is, how it is connected to globalism, and its connection to a major worldwide church. Find out how the world we live in today is being tur…
Send us a text Expectations affect our conduct. How do your expectations affect your behavior? Have you been disappointed in your expectations in life? Did you expect your life to go one way and it has gone another? How can …
Send us a text The Bible is categorized as being confusing, difficult to read, hard to understand archaic, and irrelevant; yet it is the only book that will attract glances and draw notice when carried openly in any public p…
Send us a text Brother Robert Militello returns to the podcast, bringing his profound insights on the re-election of Donald Trump and the broader implications for Christians everywhere. Through an analysis of geopolitical dy…
Send us a text The Bible admonishes us to be sober. But in those two words "be sober" the Bible covers more ground than you might think. When it comes to alcohol do you indulge? Is drinking alcohol in moderation okay? How ab…
Send us a text Does God seem as close to you as He once was? Where did God go? Does God ever leave us? How can you have that closeness again with God that you once had? Find out from the Bible the answers to these questions …
Send us a text Is it possible that the secular state of Israel is dying? Yes, it is true that God has promised to preserve his people, Israel. And yes a remnant will be saved. But what about the secular state of Israel today…
Send us a text Epistemology basically means how a person can know something. In this episode we look at how mankind can know what he knows from a Biblical perspective. Does the Bible actually tell us how we can know things w…
Send us a text There were three spiritual needs that the disciples asked Jesus for. These are three core areas that are necessary for victorious Christian living. Do you know what they are? Join us as Pastor Dan Barner bring…
Send us a text Does God give us second chances? Find out from the Bible as Pastor Steven A. Baer brings us this Bible study from the book of Jonah. Email us at Website : Our podc…
Send us a Text Message. Are you worried about the upcoming Presidential 2024 election here in America? How worried should you be about America if your candidate loses the election? What is God's plan for America? Let's look …
Send us a Text Message. Are you hungry for some Bible prophecy? Listen to this episode as Pastor Scott Strobel brings us a Three Course Prophecy Sampler on three hot topic prophecy issues in which there seems to be some conf…
Send us a Text Message. You can know a person a long time and think you know them well, and then one day you could see a different side to them. You might then say, I never saw that side of them. In the Bible you can see ano…
Send us a Text Message. Friends. Would you be surprised to learn that the Bible has much to say on the subject of friends? What makes a good friend? What makes a bad friend? What kind of friends do you you have? What kind of…
Send us a Text Message. With so many churches today having such a variety of ways as to how to conduct a church service, why do some churches place such an emphasis on the Bible itself? Is it appropriate to do so? Some churc…
Send us a Text Message. Do you have the marks of someone who is truly spiritual? These are the marks of someone who is in tune with the Holy Spirit of God and walking in the Spirit. They are characteristics that are pleasing…
Send us a Text Message. How does God want us as Christians to speak? We are living in a time of constant talk, talk radio, talk podcasts, talk and discussion TV, but how much of this talk is really worthy of our time and att…
Send us a Text Message. Are you alive? You say I must be because I am reading this sentence. But are you truly alive and kicking? Is your Christian walk more of a stroll versus a race? (I Corinthians 9:24, Hebrews 12:1). Fin…
When Pastor Scott Strobel said he was bringing a study on "Honey" from the Bible I wondered what it would consist of. Is there enough in the Bible to support a whole study on honey? As it turns out yes there is, and so much …
With the recent news of Iran's proposed impending attack(s) on Israel and the sharp rise in antisemitism, Brother Militello takes a close Biblical look at how prophecy is being fulfilled in our lifetime. Email us at thatsint…
What are you convinced about? Are you convinced the sun will rise tomorrow? Are you convinced you will live to the end of this day? Are you convince Jesus is God? Are you convinced the Bible is true? Are you convinced you ar…