All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)

Evolution Episodes

Episodes relating to the Bible and evolution.
March 17, 2022

Why I Am Not An Atheist (10 Reasons)

An atheist believes that there is no God. Are there any reasons that a person would not be an atheist? Isn't in believing in God just a belief system without any real solid reasoning behind it? Are you an atheist? Do you know...
July 11, 2019

God Or Goo? Part Three – On Purpose Or By Accident?

Geneticist Dr. Joel Brown (PhD Cornell University) brings us the capstone to his three part series looking at evolution and the Bible. Part One (Episode #80) “God or Goo? A Biblical and Scientific Investigation of Our Past” a...
June 22, 2019

God Or Goo? Part Two – Created or Evolved?

Geneticist Dr. Joel Brown (PhD Cornell University) continues his look at “evolution and the Bible” started in episode #80 God or Goo, A Biblical and Scientific Investigation of Our Past (Part 1), it is highly recommended that...
April 17, 2019

God or Goo? A Biblical and Scientific Investigation of Our Past (Part 1)

Where did you come from? Were you created by God or did you come from nothing which turned into Goo and then evolved into you?! Find out as we explore this topic and examine what the Bible says and what modern science says to...
Jan. 7, 2012

Is Theistic Evolution Biblical?

Creation and Evolution are hot topics wherever you bring them up. Try and bring up the Creation account around a school these days, whether it be middle school, high school, college, or even your work place, and see what kind...