All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)

Prayer Episodes

Nov. 9, 2023

7 Prayers Christians Should Pray For The Lost

Do you have a loved one that does not know Christ? Join us as Pastor Steven Baer details from the Bible seven prayers a Christian should pray for a lost person. Let's do our part to help bring the lost to our Lord and Saviour...
Guest: Steven Baer
April 28, 2022

7 Prayers You Should Pray

How is your prayer life? Are you praying? Does your prayer life only consist of a quick prayer at meal time? Not sure what or how to pray? Join us for this important podcast that could help energize your prayer life as Pastor...
Guest: Steven Baer
Jan. 5, 2022

Does God Speak To You?

Do you want to hear from God? Do you want him to speak to you? If He does, will He speak to you in a dream? A Vision? A sign? Can God speak to us today? If so, how? Find out what the Bible has to say about this topic now! Web...
Aug. 29, 2018

What Did Jesus Pray For?

How important would it be to find out what Jesus prayed for? Jesus Christ taught his disciples how to pray, but what did He pray for? Find out on today’s podcast as Pastor Steve brings us an eye opening study on what Jesus pr...
Guest: Steven Baer
June 19, 2018

Created To Spend Time With Him

What an amazing privilege we have to spend time with our Savior, but how is this possible? Can anyone spend time with the Lord? What happens if we don’t? What happens if we do? In this fast paced life we all lead you can’t af...
March 7, 2018


Fasting, what exactly is fasting? Is it for Christians today? Is it mentioned in the Bible? Why would I want to fast? If you are unclear on what fasting is and why it could be an important step in energizing your walk with th...
Guest: Scott Strobel
Nov. 9, 2010

The Will Of God

The “will of God” is a reference to what God wants you to do in your life. There is nothing more important than you loving the Lord and doing His will for your life. Are you doing the will of God? Find out how you can know t...
Guest: Scott Strobel