Send us a text The mystery of iniquity has been at work a long time. Find out what it is, how it is connected to globalism, and its connection to a major worldwide church. Find out how the world we live in today is being turn...
Send us a text Is it possible that the secular state of Israel is dying? Yes, it is true that God has promised to preserve his people, Israel. And yes a remnant will be saved. But what about the secular state of Israel today ...
Send us a Text Message. Are you hungry for some Bible prophecy? Listen to this episode as Pastor Scott Strobel brings us a Three Course Prophecy Sampler on three hot topic prophecy issues in which there seems to be some confu...
With the recent news of Iran's proposed impending attack(s) on Israel and the sharp rise in antisemitism, Brother Militello takes a close Biblical look at how prophecy is being fulfilled in our lifetime. Email us at thatsinth...
While often we may take our health for granted, a lackadaisical uncaring attitude regarding your health, can lead to a real health emergency. When looking at the report that the Lord gave to the church that parallels the chur...
What is the "falling away" spoken of in II Thessalonians 2:3? Do you know? Is it the apostasy of the church in the last days? Are we living in the time of the "falling away" now as spoken of in the Bible? If we are what does ...
With the world experiencing the Covid-19 Virus there is much fear and anxiety. Will things ever be the same? Are these the end times? What should we do as Christians? What should we do if we are not Christians? How can you sa...
Who and what is the antichrist? How will we recognize him? Could he be here already? See what the Bible reveals about the antichrist. Website: That's In The Bible? Join Our Mailing List
Could the world be destroyed through Global Warming? Will life end due to a nuclear holocaust? A plague? Follow along with us as the Bible takes the guesswork out of what will happen next as we examine the coming events as la...
An introduction to prophecy in the Bible. Follow along with us as Pastor Steve takes a fascinating look at prophecy in the Bible. Much more accurate than Nostradamus, Jean Dixon and the Mayan calendar. Check it out for yourse...
There is coming a day of judgment, a day of reckoning, when each individual will individually stand before the Lord to be judged. As you rightly divide the word of truth you will find two main judgments that fit this bill. On...
What and who is the Church? What is the Tribulation? Will the Church go through the Tribulation? Will you go through the Tribulation? Don't put this one off, find out by listening to this episode.