What is idolatry? Is it happening today? Is it happening in America or where you live? How do you recognize it? Join us for this episode as Pastor Steven Baer shows us from the Bible the problem that the world has today with ...
Brother Robert Militello takes us through II Timothy 3:1-5 as he peels back the cover on the current state of "Religious Delusions" in the United States and around the world. Find out how not to be duped by religion and disco...
A small rented Cessna airplane 65 miles north of Rome Italy takes off for the Vatican. It is the day before Easter Sunday and evangelist Bill Eubanks and his wife Janet intend to drop over 400 pounds of gospel tracts on the b...
Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormon religion, true to the Bible? Don't Mormons have other books they follow that they believe are more important than the Bible? Is it true that Mormon...
You have heard of the Jehovah Witnesses but what do they actually believe? Do they follow the Bible? Are they Christian? Follow along with us as we examine closely what the Jehovah Witnesses believe, you may be in for a shock...
How much faith should you put in dreams? Should you trust your dreams? Does God use dreams to reveal his will to you? Find out what the Bible says about dreams! Website: That's In The Bible? Join Our Mailing List
Are Ghosts real? Is it Biblical to believe in ghosts? If they are real what are they? A poll was taken recently that stated only 28% of Christian teens say they have been taught anything at church to help shape their views of...
Does the Roman Catholic church follow the Bible? What are the doctrines of the Roman Catholic church as compared to the Bible? Do they conflict with the Bible and if they do does it matter? Do you know where they conflict? Fo...
Should we pray to Mary? Is Mary divine? Did Mary have other children? Find out what the Bible says! (On This Episode: Eric, Matt, Pastor Matt Smith, Rick, and Matt the Intern) The link that Pastor Matt Smith mentioned is http...