All scripture contained in this podcast is from the King James Bible (Authorized Version)

Christian Living Episodes

June 30, 2009

Was Jesus A Social Drinker?

If Jesus turned water into wine did he condone drinking alcohol? What is the difference between what the Bible lists as wine, fruit of the vine, the cup, and strong drink? Is it okay for Christians to drink alcohol? Is drink…
Guest: Matt Smith
June 19, 2009

Is Water Baptism Necessary For Salvation?

Do you have to be baptized in water to go to Heaven? What does the Bible really say? What is baptism for? Did one of the malefactors on the cross with Jesus go to Heaven without being baptized in water? What is the Biblical …
May 23, 2009

Does The Bible Condone Same Sex Marriage?

Does the Bible speak against homosexuality? What about homosexual marriage? Why are so many states adopting homosexual marriage? Can same sex marriage really be wrong? Find out what the Bible says about same sex marriage, yo…
May 2, 2009

Which Bible Is The Right One?

Why are there so many translations of the Bible? Is there one Bible version that is better than all others? Is it just a matter of preference? What if you discovered that many of the “new” Bibles have entire verses missing? …
Guest: Steven Baer
April 25, 2009

What Does The Bible Say About “Easter”?

Can you answer these questions? Was Jesus Christ crucified on Friday and then resurrected on Sunday? How could Jesus have been in the grave a full three days and three nights if he was buried on Friday evening and was seen S…
Guest: Scott Strobel
March 26, 2009

Will The Church Go Through The Tribulation?

What and who is the Church? What is the Tribulation? Will the Church go through the Tribulation? Will you go through the Tribulation? Don't put this one off, find out by listening to this episode.
Jan. 18, 2009

Body Soul And Spirit?

What is the Soul and what is the Spirit? Find out what the Bible says about each. Discover how man is a triune being.